Catholic Saints

Saint James the Greater

  • Short, concise biography of Saint James the Greater
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint James the Greater
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint James the Greater
  • What is Saint James the Greater the patron of?
  • Date of Death
  • How Saint James the Greater is represented in Christian Art
  • Feast Day

The Patron Saint James the Greater

What is the definition and the meaning of the Patron Saints and why were these people chosen to become patrons of causes, professions and countries?

The term 'Patron' is used in Christian religions, including the Roman Catholic religion, to describe holy and virtuous men and women who are considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a country.

There is a patron for virtually every cause, country, profession or special interest. There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors.

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint James the Greater
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:

  • The patron of Pilgrims and Laborers
  • Memorial Day / Feast Day: July 25th
  • Named by Jesus as one of the Sons of Thunder
  • Date of Death: Saint James the Greater died in A.D. 44
  • Cause of Death: Beheaded

Who or what is Saint James the Greater the patron saint of?
Saint James the Greater is the patron of Pilgrims and Laborers. Meanings, definition and origins - a patron is considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron for intercession on their behalf.

Prayer to St. James the Greater

The Story and History of Saint James the Greater
The story and history of Saint James the Greater, who was one of the disciples of Jesus. James was prominent amongst the twelve apostles. He was James, the son of Zebedee, who was considered the greater apostle of those called James. James thought to be a cousin of Jesus, by the sister of the Virgin Mary, and the brother of Saint Jude Thaddeus. James worked as a fisherman with his brother John, his father Zebedee and his partner Simon. John and James were followers of John the Baptist  and then Jesus. John the Baptist referred to Jesus with the words "Behold the Lamb of God!". He left his life as a fisherman when Jesus called him to be a fisher of men. He followed Jesus as one of his disciples until Jesus was crucified. James the Greater was chosen by Jesus to be one of the twelve apostles and was given the mission to spread the gospel of Jesus. He made a pilgrimage to Spain to spread the word. St James returned to Judea, where he was beheaded by King Herod Agrippa I (10 BC - 44 AD) in the year 44. This is detailed in the Bible in Acts 12 of the New Testament. The remains, or relics, of Saint James the Greater are said to be buried in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Spain) explaining why Saint James the Greater is the patron saint of Spain.

The Legend of Saint James the Greater
St. James, or according to the Spanish form of his name, St. lago, is also the great military patron of Spain. His mission to defend the Christian Church against the Infidel was however reserved until after his death. In the course of the celebrated battle of Clavijo he suddenly appeared on a milk-white charger, waving aloft a white standard, and leading the Christians to victory. This manifestation was in response to the soldiers' invocation of his name, "Sant lago!" being the battle-cry of that day. Hence the name of the ancient city (Santiago) which contains the cathedral founded in his honour.

Death of Saint James the Greater
There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural deaths. Date of Death: Saint James the Greater died in A.D. 44. Cause of Death: Beheaded. 

Why is Saint James the Greater the patron of Pilgrims and Laborers?
Why is Saint James the Greater is the patron of Pilgrims? St. James the Greater is universally regarded as the patron of pilgrims to the Holy Land, because after establishing the Christian religion in Spain, he returned to Judaea on a pilgrimage and was there beheaded. The scallop-shell is the recognized symbol of all pilgrims to the Holy Land, as it abounds on the shores of Palestine. When returning to his own country, pilgrims displayed the scallop-shell in their hats, to show that they had carried out their pious intentions.

How Saint James the Greater is represented in Christian Art
It is helpful to be able to recognise Saint James the Greater in paintings, stained glass windows, illuminated manuscripts, architecture and other forms of Christian art. The artistic representations reflect the life or death of saints, or an aspect of life with which the person is most closely associated. Saint James the Greater is represented in Christian Art in the garb of a pilgrim, with staff, gourd, and scallop-shell.

Feast Day of Saint James the Greater
The Feast Day of Saint James the Greater is July 25th. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.

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