Catholic Saints

Saint Maurice

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Maurice
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Maurice
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Maurice
  • What is Saint Maurice the patron of?
  • Date of Death
  • How Saint Maurice is represented in Christian Art
  • Feast Day

The Patron Saint Maurice

What is the definition and the meaning of the Patron Saints and why were these people chosen to become patrons of causes, professions and countries?

The term 'Patron' is used in Christian religions, including the Roman Catholic religion, to describe holy and virtuous men and women who are considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a country.

There is a patron for virtually every cause, country, profession or special interest. There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A martyr is one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions.

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Maurice
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:

  • The patron of Infantrymen, Cramp and Swordsmiths
  • Memorial Day / Feast Day: September 22nd
  • Date of Death: Saint Maurice died in A.D. 286
  • Cause of Death: By the Sword

Who or what is Saint Maurice the patron saint of?
Saint Maurice is the patron of Infantrymen, Cramp and Swordsmiths. Meanings, definition and origins - a patron is considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron for intercession on their behalf.

The Story and History of Saint Maurice
The story and history of Saint Maurice. Maurice was originally from Austria who enlisted in the Roman army and was promoted to become the leader of a legion (6,666 soldiers) in Thebes (Upper Egypt) - called the Theban Legion. Maurice was a Roman officer of the Theban Legion during the reign of Roman Emperor Maximian, who was Roman Emperor for the Western Empire from 286 to 305. When the Berbers invaded the western borders of the Roman Empire Maximian asked for the help of Emperor Diocletian, the Roman Emperor for the Eastern Empire. The Berbers were the name of the people of North Africa, west of the Nile Valley. The Theban Legion were ordered to suppress the Berbers, sent to the shores of Lake Geneva, and make sacrifices to the pagan Roman gods to ensure their victory. The leaders of the Theban Legion had converted to Christianity and refused to carry out the order, confessing in public their Christian faith. The mutiny of the Theban legion led by Maurice was punished by the Roman Emperors by the process of decimation (1 in 10 of all soldiers were killed). This punishment failed to quell the revolt of the legion. Saint Maurice wrote a letter to the emperor declaring the legion’s loyalty to Rome and the Emperor but wished to observe their Christian faith. The Emperor ordered the torture and death of Saint Maurice. The remaining men of the Theban legion refused to turn against the Christian faith and were all killed under the orders of the emperor.

Death of Saint Maurice
There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural deaths. Date of Death: Saint Maurice died in A.D. 286. Cause of Death: By the Sword. 

Why is Saint Maurice the patron of Infantrymen, Cramp and Swordsmiths?
Why is Saint Maurice is the patron of Infantrymen? Because of the massacre of the legion.

How Saint Maurice is represented in Christian Art
It is helpful to be able to recognise Saint Maurice in paintings, stained glass windows, illuminated manuscripts, architecture and other forms of Christian art. The artistic representations reflect the life or death of saints, or an aspect of life with which the person is most closely associated. Saint Maurice is represented in Christian Art in full armour, bearing either the Austrian standard or leaning on the shield of his country.

Feast Day of Saint Maurice
The Feast Day of Saint Maurice is September 22nd. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.

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