Catholic Saints

Saint of the Day for February


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  • Month and List of Days and names
  • Saint of the Day for February

Saint of the Day for February

There are Catholic Saints for practically every day of the year and these are referred to as a Feast Day or Saint's Day.

Many saints have specially designated feast days, as those detailed in the Saint of the Day for February section, which are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's day.

The Catholic Saint's feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths, at the same time celebrating their entrance into heaven. Eventually, as time passed, practically every day of the year had at least one saint who was commemorated on that date.

Saint of the Day for February - Changes & Reforms
The dates and names attributed to the Saint of the Day for February section include those used by many Catholics in America in the 1900's as detailed in the Lives of the Saints by Alban Butler which was taken from the Benziger Brothers edition of the book published in 1894. Various changes and reforms have resulted in different calendars culminating in the General Roman Calendar of 1962.

Saints of the Day for February

1. Saint Bridgid
1. Saint Ignatius
2. Candlemas-Day
3. Saint Blase
4. Saint Jane of Valois
5. Saint Agatha
6. Saint Dorothy
7. Saint Romuald
8. Saint John of Matha
9. Saint Apollonia
10. Saint Scholastica
11. Saint Severinus
12. Saint Benedict of Anian
13. Saint Catherine of Ricci
14. Saint Valentine
15. Sts. Faustinus and Jovita
16. Blessed John de Britto
16. Saint Onesimus, Disciple of Saint Paul
17. Saint Flavian
18. Saint Simeon
19. Saint Barbatus
20. Saint Eucherius
21. Saint Severianus
23. Saint Peter Damian
23. Saint Serenus
24. Saint Matthias
25. Saint Tarasius
26. Saint Porphyry
27. Saint Leander
28. Saints Romanus and Lupicinus
29. Saint Oswald

Saints of the Day for February
The history, facts, information and life story of all of the above Saints can be accessed from the Catholic Saints Index. The list of February saints include Bridgid, Ignatius, Candlemas-Day, Blase, Jane of Valois, Agatha, Dorothy, Romuald, John of Matha, Apollonia, Scholastica, Severinus, Benedict of Anian, Catherine of Ricci, Valentine, Sts. Faustinus and Jovita, Blessed John de Britto, Onesimus, Disciple of Paul, Flavian, Simeon, Barbatus, Eucherius, Severianus, Peter Damian, Serenus, Matthias, Tarasius, Porphyry, Leander, Saints Romanus and Lupicinus and Oswald.

Catholic Saints Index
Saint of the Day

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